

      I must put it out there that this post isn't the ideal "first post". I was working on this really elaborate, insightful, and creative entry as my first blog post when I realized one of the reasons I decided to start writing a blog in the first place. I, personally, am not good with words and being able to put into words how I feel. Through my quest to find happiness in the little (or big) moments of my daily life, I'm also on a secondary quest to become a better writer. Not only to become a better writer, but to be more comfortable with learning how to express myself through words.  I was attempting to write this really clever entry on acceptance and making a reference to my blog title Gay Living with being sexually "gay" but also being "gay" in a happy sense and was on my way to making this profound conclusion and ended up getting lost in my own thoughts and words. Four hours and one paragraph in later, I drove myself right onto a dead-end road known as Writers Block (There, I've made my clever statement of the day) Going with my original theme of being happy about acceptance, I am happy to accept that I am not that good of a writer...yet. However, I am happy to start this blog and make my journey towards being a more effective and efficient writer. I'm happy that someday I won't have to fish for the right word and end up finally settling for a word only to lose my train of thought. I'm happy that someday I won't be staring at a blank page in front of me for hours in an attempt to finish a cover letter for a job. Most of all, I'm happy that just when I was about to give up and go to sleep, I decided to stay positive (as this blog suggests!) and realize that if I keep putting off officially starting this blog, that I'll never get this blog started because I'll never be completely satisfied with what I wrote anyway. Today, I'm happy to finally start Blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Apollo! I will follow and look forward to reading more!
