

I was making my way down to the coffee shop down the street from my apartment, Cacao Coffee House, taking in the slightly cool breeze in my bright red, yet comfortable sweater I got from Spain. It's times like these that really make me feel like this is my home; waking up on a lazy Saturday, putting on my most comfortable attire, and making my way to the local, artsy, hole-in-the wall coffee joint to sip on some coffee while attempting to send out more resumes.

There's something about getting to know all the nooks and crannies around my apartment that gives me a warm feeling inside. Whether it's my roommates and I stumbling into the local diner, Cafe 50's, to cure our hangovers while rocking the bed-head hair and still branded by the stamps from all the clubs and bars we hit up the night before or getting my fix of froyo from that tacky frozen yogurt joint a couple of stores down, Froplay, it's all just a hop and a skip away. 

Last night, my roommate Jess & I took a late-night stroll for some grub at another local joint, Delores'. Giggling at the awkward stories in the latest Sex Issue of LA-Weekly (Supposedly after at study at UCLA, on the top of the list of movies girls like to watch before sex, Shrek was on the list? wtf?) and having a laugh over the ridiculous pricing (4 slices of tomatoes for $2.99), I remember about 7 months ago when Vanessa, Tobit, Jess, & I all took a seat at this very same restaurant to enjoy our first late-night dinner together the first night we first moved into the townhouse. I was fresh out of college and this was all so new and exciting. I couldn't believe I was moving into my first place and starting my journey to a career.  Here I was, 7 months later in the same exact restaurant, and I feel at home. 

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