

     When you work a 9 to 5 job, it's easy to get into that mindset that everyday is the same routine and life becomes so mundane. It's time like these where I find myself not really caring about how I dress at work. When I'm in the office, I envision all these things I wanna accomplish, but once I get through a nine-hour work day, I suddenly have no more motivation and energy to do so. Life becomes one big blur. This blog actually started as one of my many inspirations that my mind comes across at work one day. The only difference this time is that it damn well came true! Why? Because I got myself over that slump and gathered enough motivation to do so. This morning, for the first time in literally months, I actually showered before work and arrived feeling fresh and put together. It's nice to take pride in yourself on a daily basis. In my opinion, taking time to make yourself presentable on a daily basis is a form of showing you're ready to take on the day. It shows a sense of vitality. It all starts with those first few minutes after waking up. Sure, today wasn't the most exciting day of my life, but it's still a new day and it's good to remind myself not to lose that life within me.

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